Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Journal dec 3

A) I learned the white race as a whole is being oppressed, as being the ruling race to now being discriminated against.
B) the process of writing this paper was very stressful and I could barely even write 6 pages because my topic wasn't able to be reached without talking about conclusions
C) my strengths is coming up with a strong 6-8 pages and a weak 10-12
D) I felt really strong about my topic because of the fact I'm white and white people of today are discriminated against as a joke or even as an embarrassment, no one wants to be white being white now a days is like being black in the 1940s.

Monday, November 18, 2013

What you should know

Well many people in the world are now seeing this open source learning network and taking a real hard look at the students work. But are kids even learning anything? We'll let me elaborate, I'm 17 years old I live in apartment with one of my friends and I rent a room. I also work from 3-9 everyday after school. I wake up every morning at 5:45 everyday to get ready for school. Now in the time given to me in the day I don't really have enough time as many or most people do. How do you expect a student to learn anything if the only thing the student is focused on is just getting the assignment done. This "open source learning" is made for kids who have time to spare with themselves. Most students that take place in this class don't have jobs, don't provide for themselves and they don't have to stay up till 1 A.M. Just to finish one assignment that's ten pages that the teacher doesn't even read. I believe if anyone is going to take part in this class be advised to make sure your a really bored person cause this will take up the time out of your day. Especially when a teacher gives you 4 days to write a ten page paper. Not appropriate at all, a ten page paper should be given at least 10 days or so. But 4 days? That ridiculous and I'm probably going to get a bad grade for not having it finished. I probably would have gotten it finished if I wasn't busy doing math/government homework or working or trying to sleep. Not that there is anything wrong with this class it's just the fact that a teacher doesn't understand when a student has to much going on. The teacher expects your all but how can you give it your all when there's just all this stuff piling up?

Monday, November 4, 2013


The race or ancestry of a person can determine whether not they will get pulled over or even searched. The government does this because of the percentage of Latinos and African Americans and crime rate. Cops can pull over a Mexican American for no reason searched and seizure. And that is agains the fourth amendment but this is because of the history of certain people. That's the way the police "protect and serve" . It's just another way to make money and all that garbage. Police will has more of a say in court and day over a civilian, in this case an African American or Latino.

Friday, November 1, 2013


When watching the video i kept close attention on how many passes they passed. I thought when the gorilla came in he was gonna start passing the ball but he just walked by and I didn't really care from that point. And just kept counting

Monday, October 21, 2013

Value of life section

I wasn't able to pull up the documents which really held me back. So please view my partners blog in the assignments



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Words your probably can't remeber


expository- intended to explain or describe something.

composition- the nature of something's ingredients or constitutes the way which a whole or mixture is made up.

assuage- make and unpleasant feeling less intense.

decadence- moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.

hackneyed- lacking significance through having been over used.

coalition- an alliance for combined action.

transcend- be or go beyond the range or limits.

meritorious- Deserving rewards or praise.

lurid- very vivid in color.

petulant- childishly sulky or bad tempered.

obesity- the condition of being grossly fat or overweight

Accumulate-gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

mass-In physics, mass is a property of a physical system or body, giving rise to the phenomena of the body's resistance to being accelerated by a force and the strength of its mutual gravitational attraction with other bodies.

disease-A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.

diet- a speical course of food where one restricts themselves for weight loss or medical reasons.

the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.

stigma- viable sign or characteristic of a disease.

prevent(able)- to keep from happening.

adolescent-a young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult.

cardiovascular-The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport

excessive-more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.

mechanism-a system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery.

sedentary-(of a person) tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.

predispose-make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.

syndrome-a syndrome is the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (observed by someone other than the patient), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together

Accomplice: a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing

Annihilate: to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence

Arbitrary: subject to individual will or judgement without restrictions

Brazen: shameless or impudent

Catalyst: a person or thing that precipitates an event or change

Exodus: a going out, a departure

Facilitate: to make easier or less difficult

Incorrigible: bad beyond correction or reform

Latent: present but not visible

Militant: vigorously active and aggresive

Morose: gloomily or sullenly ill-humored

Opaque: not transparent or translucent

Paramount: above others in rank or authority

Prattle: talk in a foolish or simple-minded way

Rebut: to oppose by contrary proof
Reprimand: severe reproof or rebuke

Servitude: slavery or bondage of any kind

Slapdash: hasty, haphazard

Stagnant: not flowing or running

Succumb: to give way to superior force

Accede: give consent or approval

Brandish: to shake or wave, as a weapon

Comprise: to include or contain

Deft: skillful

Destitute: without meaning or subsistence

Explicit: fully expressed or demonstrated

Extirpate: to remove or destroy totally

Inopportune: inappropriate or inconvenient

Ironic: using words to convey a meaning that is opposite of the meaning

Musty: lacking originality or vitality

Officious: official

Ominous: portending evil or harm

Pinnacle: a lofty peak

Premeditated: planned in advance, done deliberately

Rampant: violent in action or spirit
Solace: comfort in sorrow,
misfortune, or trouble

Stately: majestic

Supple: bending readily without breaking

Suppress: put an end to activities of

Venal: willing to sell someones influence

Adroit: expert or nble in use of hands or body

Amicable: charaterized by goodwill.

Averse: strong feeling of opposition.

Belligerent: warlike.

Benevolent: kindly feelings

Cursory: rapidly over something

Duplicity: deceitfulness in speech or conduct

Extol: to praise highly

Feasible: capable of being done

Grimace: facial expressions

Holocaust: complete devistation or destruction

Impervious: not permitting penetration

Impetus: a moving force

Jeopardy: hazard or risk to exposure to loss

Meticulous: showing extreme care about minute details

Nostalgia: wistfull desire to return in thought

Quintessence: pure concentrated essence

Retrogress: go backward to earlier/worse conditions

Scrutinize: examine in detail

Tepid: moderately warm

Accede: give consent or approval

Brandish: to shake or wave, as a weapon

Comprise: to include or contain

Deft: skillful

Destitute: without meaning or subsistence

Explicit: fully expressed or demonstrated

Extirpate: to remove or destroy totally

Inopportune: inappropriate or inconvenient

Ironic: using words to convey a meaning that is opposite of the meaning

Musty: lacking originality or vitality

Officious: overwhelmingly helpful/ helpful to annoyance

Ominous: portending evil or harm

Pinnacle: a lofty peak

Premeditated: planned in advance, done deliberately

Rampant: violent in action or spirit

Solace: comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble

Stately: majestic

Supple: bending readily without breaking

Suppress: put an end to activities of

Venal: willing to sell someones influence

Adroit: expert or nble in use of hands or body

Amicable: charaterized by goodwill.

Averse: strong feeling of opposition.

Belligerent: warlike.

Benevolent: kindly feelings

Cursory: rapidly over something

Duplicity: deceitfulness in speech or conduct

Extol: to praise highly

Feasible: capable of being done

Grimace: facial expressions

Holocaust: complete devastation or destruction

Impervious: not permitting penetration

Impetus: a moving force

Jeopardy: hazard or risk to exposure to loss

Meticulous: showing extreme care about minute details

Nostalgia: wistfull desire to return in thought

Quintessence: pure concentrated essence

Retrogress: go backward to earlier/worse conditions

Scrutinize: examine in detail

Tepid: moderately warm.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Today's notes

Logos depends whether or not the speakers reason is valid or true.if you don't understand logic you don't understand and argument. There are ways of using logos in being able to persuade others. Pathos is which a passion which the speaker communicates. Ethos shows the way of someone's character on how they act towards the speaker.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Value of life

In my opinion life is a time given to you and witht that time you are to do what you can do and shape yourself in the world. Some people say love is for the meaning of life or becoming a rich actor. But to me life isn't any of that. As soon as your born your destined to die, eventually. Some people in the world aren't given the same amount of time as others that why we go through struggles everyday to make a better life for ourselves. In your mind it's only you, there's not five or six people in your head as a team you are apart of. It's just you and that's the selfishness we have to have because some peoples lives are about helping others. Those kind of people make the impact, but in 20 years whose gonna remeber that guy who died? Even if it was you, your existence won't have meaning. You'll be long forgotten, as people are to busy to even care. Sure they my remenise on memories but your life is not apart of there's and that is why we value each day. We try to make the most of the time we got cause were on a clock and we are destined to die on a certain day you don't know it, no body on earth does.

Hamlet to be or not to be (my version)

The question  Whether to continue to exist or not. Cause in our minds we are all just another person in a desk on the tenth floor making a living. It's a touching emotion for all of us, death he says dream forever. Why live with what is? When I can dream of what to be. Every time we make a change in our lives we are killing our old selves. But why should we make a change when can just do the same thing and think the same way so there's no need to worry or get used to.That person yesterday is dead and today he or she is a different person. And if he were to kill himself he can he can stop the heartaches and pain we go through everyday. The adventure through death is the scariest because we don't know what is really going to happen. Thinking about it makes us all cowards within ourselves. The face we can just ignore life by ending, not stress nothing just and eternal sleep.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Vocabulary 6

Vocabulary Six:

1. Adroit- Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind.

2. Amicable- Having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor.

3. Averse- Having a strong dislike/opposition to something.

4. Belligerent- Being hostile and aggressive.

5. Benevolent- Well meaning and kindly.

6. Cursory- Hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.

7. Duplicity- Deceitfulness; double-dealing.

8. Extol- To praise enthusiastically.

9. Feasible- Possible to do easily/conveniently.

10. Grimace- An ugly, twisted expression on a person’s face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement.

11. Holocaust- Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, like caused by fire or nuclear war.

12. Impervious- Immune.

13. Impetus- The force/energy with which a body moves.

14. Jeopardy- Danger of loss, harm, or failure.

15. Meticulous- Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

16. Nostalgia- A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.

17. Quintessence- The most perfect/typical example of a quality or class.

18. Retrogress- Go back to an earlier state— typically a worse one.

19. Scrutinize- Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.

20. Tepid- A liquid, only slightly warm; lukewarm.

21. Accede- Assent/agree to a demand, request, or treaty.

22. Brandish- Wave or flourish something as a threat, in anger, or excitement.

23. Comprise- Consist of; be made up of.

24. Deft- Neatly skillful and quick in one’s movements.

25. Destitute- Without the basic necessities of life.

26. Explicit- Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. Closing words.

27. Extirpate- End completely.

28. Inopportune- Occurring at an inconvenient or inappropriate time.

29. Ironic- Using or characterized by irony.

30. Musty- Having a stale, moldy, or damp smell.

31. Officious- Assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, with regard to petty/trivial matters.

32. Ominous- Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious.

33. Pinnacle- A high, pointed piece of rock.
Set on or as if on a pinnacle.

34. Premeditated- To think out or plan an action beforehand.

35. Rampant- Something unwelcome/unpleasant.
 Flourishing or spreading unchecked.

36. Solace- Comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.

37. Stately- Having a dignified, unhurried, and grand manner; majestic in manner/appearance.

38. Supple- Bending and moving easily/gracefully; flexible.

39. Suppress- To put an end to forcefully.

40. Venal- Showing or motivating by susceptibility to bribery; Corruptible.b

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Yesterday in class as we discussed an article about life after death. Many topics were brought up, the one that I didn't get a chance to talk about was how out generation is the laziest. Well I highly disagree with that. I know a few of my friends who have lived hard lives and having to provide for themselves at a young age. When I was a kid I had to provide for myself at a young age. I don't know about who ever said we just get what we want, but no in my family. I'm sure there is several people just like me who can relate. Everything I have with me or on me is what I worked for. Since I was young I have had to do that. My parents wouldn't have money for some of the things we needed so we went out and got it our selves. I can understand about how they say our generation kids get what they want and that is
extremely true to an extent. To those who have lived a struggled life their whole lives.

I would like to learn more about how to take my thoughts and put them in a way where it makes sense. Cause sometimes I will say something and it wouldn't make sense to another person. As in yesterday I couldn't put my thoughts out like how I want cause I don't think it wouldn't make sense. Which is something I am working on. 

In the article the author gave a really good explanation about  his definition on life after death. And it really made a lot of sense, I want to learn to be able to just take a thought and make explain it in a way where people will want to listen and actually be ineterested.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Spent: 2 hours
Given: 4 hours
Sold: 12
Passing:1.5 hours

Spent:3 hours
Given: 2 hours
Sold: 14
Passing: .5 hours

Spent: 2 hours
Given: 1 hours
Sold: 14
Passing: 0

Spent: 4 hours
Given: 3 hours
Sold: 6 hours
Passing: 2

Spent: 2 hours
Given: 1 hour
Sold: 12 hours
Passing: .5 hours

Spent:5 hours
Given: 4 hours
Sold: 7 hours
Passing: 6

Given: 4 hours
Sold: 8 hours
Passing: 6

Given: 4 hours
Passing: 1.5 hours


Monday, September 23, 2013


Now more than ever before American society advanced in literacy skills from its diverse students and citizens. Kids with a college education are given more job opportunities than those with just a high school diploma. Young people begin to benefit from the fluency of an array of reading materials. Our social and cultural experience with reading and writhing shape how we are likely to comprehend and engage with academic reading. English reading writing and composition teaches the three appeals of rhetoric ethos. 1. The presentation of character and authority of the speaker. 2. The use of evidence and authority of the speaker.  3. The evocation of the audiences emotions. Questions about ethos pathos and logos teach students how authors deploy rhetorical and linguistic strategies designed to persuade readers. The reader becomes more capable of to perceive the rhetorical machinery action and feel they have the power to read more complicated material. This awareness of their own power to "read between the lines".

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


In the United States, we are given lots of freedoms. Most of the freedoms we express every day aren't available to other parts if the world that are under a dictatorship. But since we have these freedoms we are responsible of our descions. Even though we always don't make the best descions we learn from them. The good part of being responsible for your descions is that you can use them for good. Such as school or in work. We are rewarded witht the types of work we accomplish. Other times we slip up and make the wrong descions. Whether it's a big one or a small one, either way every person on the planet earth has made a mistake. The best part of the most dumbbest descions is we can take what we did and use it for future descions. The works mistakes make the best learning expirencs.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Vocabulary 5

 Adroit- (Adjective) Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind

Amicable- (adjective) (Of relationship between people) having a spirit of friendliness.

Averse-  (Adjective) Having strong dislike or opposition to something. 

Belligerent- (Adjective) Hostile and aggressive.

 Benevolent- (Adjective) Well meaning and kindly.

Cursory- (Adjective) Hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.

 Duplicity- (Noun) Deceitfulness; double-dealing.

 Extol- (Verb) Praise enthusiastically.
Feasible- (Adjective) Possible to do easily or conveniently.

Grimace- (Noun) An ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust.

Holocaust- (Noun) Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, esp. caused by the fire or nuclear war.

 Impervious- (Adjective) Not allowing fluid to pass through.

 Impetus- (Noun) The force or energy with which a body moves.

 Jeopardy- (Noun) Danger loss, harm, or failure: 

Meticulous- (Adjective) Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

Nostalgia- (Noun) A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place.

Quintessence- (Noun) The most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. 

Retrogress- (Verb) Go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one.

Scrutinize- (Verb) Examine or inspect closely.

 Tepid- (Adjective) Showing enthusiasm.

I was adroit at lifting weights.

I averse algebra 2 because it is really hard

Dr Preston often act belligerent  when we don't post to out blog.

 She was benevolent when I told her that her dog died.

He gave a cursory information on then accident.

Her duplicity would show every day.

His arms are so big people would extol around him.

Being in a p.e. class is feasible.

Her expression was grimace after his mom said no.

If we bombed Syria the United States would start a halocaust themselves.

Vocabulary 5

 Adroit- (Adjective) Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind

Amicable- (adjective) (Of relationship between people) having a spirit of friendliness.

Averse-  (Adjective) Having strong dislike or opposition to something. 

Belligerent- (Adjective) Hostile and aggressive.

 Benevolent- (Adjective) Well meaning and kindly.

Cursory- (Adjective) Hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.

 Duplicity- (Noun) Deceitfulness; double-dealing.

 Extol- (Verb) Praise enthusiastically.
Feasible- (Adjective) Possible to do easily or conveniently.

Grimace- (Noun) An ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust.

Holocaust- (Noun) Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, esp. caused by the fire or nuclear war.

 Impervious- (Adjective) Not allowing fluid to pass through.

 Impetus- (Noun) The force or energy with which a body moves.

 Jeopardy- (Noun) Danger loss, harm, or failure: 

Meticulous- (Adjective) Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

Nostalgia- (Noun) A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place.

Quintessence- (Noun) The most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. 

Retrogress- (Verb) Go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one.

Scrutinize- (Verb) Examine or inspect closely.

 Tepid- (Adjective) Showing enthusiasm.

I was adroit at lifting weights.

I averse algebra 2 because it is really hard

Dr Preston often act belligerent  when we don't post to out blog.

 She was benevolent when I told her that her dog died.

He gave a cursory information on then accident.

Her duplicity would show every day.

His arms are so big people would extol around him.

Being in a p.e. class is feasible.

Her expression was grimace after his mom said no.

If we bombed Syria the United States would start a halocaust themselves.


I want to know how I can learn without so much stress. Teachers and parents out all this pressure on students to keep trying harder. Teachers are always in a rush to teach what they have to that day. And it just piles up. I have 3 teachers that all do that they just shove all this information down our throats and by the end of the day all of the things they said is lost. Whenever my math teacher has a lesson he just rushes through it and I can't recall what he taught even after the notes I just can't understand it. I ask questions but when I do I get the same answer. Or in English there's all kinds of things things thrown at me where I can't even think. The only thing I'm thinking is wow I don't know how I'm going to do this for homework. I think teachers should slow it down cause I think alot of kids would actually learn something. A kid can get As and Bs in school and not learn anything.


In the school syestem today I believe that books are outdated and teachers are just sticking to the corriculium where they say read these pages and answer these questions. But now that there going to add tablets to the whole thing. I think it's a good thing, it might be a huge change for others. Eventually they can get use to it though. Kids can use these tablets efficiently and easily. Also if there assigned homework they have the Internet right before them. So there wouldn't be any confusion in the classroom. This will also allow kids to read more, there is all kinds of apps that have books and what not so that would be another benifit of these tablets in school.

Monday, September 16, 2013


Selling: 12 hours
Giving: 3 hours
Spending: 5
 Passing: 30 mins

Friday, September 13, 2013

Literature analysis buried onions

     When I first opened this book I began to realize it was set in Fresno Ca. That's where I was born and raised. From there I was really intrigued about a story that sets where I was born. The story starts off when the main character finds his cousin dead. It's a hard point in his life and he is constantly in the mix if gang violence and drugs. His best friend, dad, and cousin are all dead. He lives on his own and has a mom that lives about 25 mins away in a town called Merced. It's based on a true story about the authors life in the ghetto. Characters names are changed in the story cause the main charters name is eddy. The author chose to write about this because he lived the life in Fresno that a lot of young males go through in the city. There are lots of hardships and violence in the city and lots of people from there would relate to the struggles that eddy goes through. I chose to read this book because I am Fresno Ca and like to hear stories that I can relate to. All types of bad things happen in that city, it's almost normal to be struggling in that city. Opening the book and when I recognized the names of the streets mentioned and certain spots around the city. In the book it mentions a shooting that happened years ago and I remember hearing about it. That's how I really knew the story was true. The beginning of the book you think the main character is a good guy trying to make it through lift. As you continue to read you will realize eddies the same punk kid as everyone else. He depicts people surrounded by him as gangsters who do dangerous crimes and drugs along the way.  He is really no better, every time he goes on about something that happen he disappears for a couple days then comes back out and it goes back an fourth. I feel the author chose to write about this because In Fresno it happens everyday to young children.  Eddy looks like any ordinary male wears a white shirt with dickies pants tucked in. He acts as if he is a good kid but he's really doing the same thing as the other gangsters in the town. Angel dresses like eddy there actually a lot of the same. But angel is the type if person you can't turn your back too. A very sketchy person in my opinion. Carlos is eddies cousin who is in the military,  used to be a gangster when they were little. He grew up and went onto the marines and became successful. He's a very masculine man with an attitude where he's the best.What makes the characters good enough to put in the story is because they are everyday people in the ghetto of a larger city. In today's society the ghettos are overlooked and never get worked on by programs of fundraisers especially Fresno. It's not everyday stories of your hometown are published in a book. Most think Fresno is a nice populated are with agriculture and a good history. On the inside there's gangs, cartels, murders and drugs. There all over hiding in the night waiting to snatch up high school kids. That's why I feel it's important to acknowledge these parts of town so a difference can be made. I believe the author did use foreshadowing a few times in the story such as when you find out Angel killed eddies cousin Jesus. When I read that I automatically caught the Irony. Angel was Jesus's best friend but got killed him over a stolen car. I found it ironic that "Angel" killed "Jesus". They were best friends I mean look at there names. One sign of symbolism was after Jesus died angel came around eddy almost everyday trying to comfort him. Almost as he had guilt. The author mainly focuses on the main character eddy. They follow him as if he is narrating the story. His thoughts are shared and are descriptive. And shares his struggles in the city. The author issues a time where it's a very stressful place to be. Takes place in the hot summer where the suns always glaring. Eddy seems to always be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Everyday for him seems to get harder and harder as if everyday is just another obstacle. The attitude expressed in the city is more of you have to struggle before you move forward. Just like it rains before a rainbow. Toward the end of the story eddy starts to get his life together and moves into the right direction. As I read you see him making more adult like decisions. He later joins the navy.  In the story the past is often mentioned. The past of gangs and violence. Certain parts of the town are worse than others but mainly all over the town is trouble. This information really matters because you get an idea of how it's been for decades. Now you see it more everyday. More shootings, drugs, gang violence etc. From this story it really showed me how you can start from the very bottom of the ghetto. And move up to getting a career that pays well. Ill also remember that just because everyone, literally everyone, does drugs and gangs bangs around me doesn't mean you have to follow the same path. You can strive forward from anywhere and go anywhere. It's your life and you living it. Take advantage of every good opportunity that comes your way.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vocab 3

Obesity- the condition of being grossly fat or overweight. 

Accumulate- gather together or acquire an increasing number.  

Mass- a coherent, typically large body of matter with no definite shape. 

Disease- a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal or plant. 

Diet- a special course of food to which one restricts oneself.

Prevalence- the condition of being prevalent; commonness. 

Stigma- a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance. 

Preventable- capable of being prevented. 

Adolescent- in the process of developing from a child to an adult. 
Cardiovascular: of or relating to the heart and the blood vessels. 

Excessive- more than is necessary. 

Mechanism- a system of parts working together. 

Sedentary- tending to spend to much time seated. 

Predipose- make someone liable to a certain attitude. 

Syndrome- a group of symptoms that consistently occur together. 

Owen ate McDonalds three times a day for two years and became obese. 

If you found a penny a day for a one-hundred days it would accumulate into one dollar.

My biceps have great mass

Susan eventually got a disease from chewing tabbacco.

Jacob has a strict diet to stay buff.

Terrorist are prevalent all over the world.

The doctor took notes but couldn't figure out the stigma of his hurt leg.

Josh had become sick, I told him if could have been preventable if he wore a jacket to school. 

At age most kids at age 12 are still in there adolescents, but feel older.

I like to workout excessively.

I developed a mechanism that is able to transport your pants to your laundry basket.

I told his to not be so sendentary, eventually he would become stuck that way.

I predispose Obama for being a bad president.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Essay idea

Today in class we discussed essay ideas on obesity. Their was a several good ones thrown out there, but, in my opinion the one I chose is best. Now our whole life we are taught what our parents know is best. They always know how to fix your scraped knee or your sadness,but parents could be a source to obesity. When I was growing up my dad was a bodybuilder. So he had a strict diet up to 6 meals a day. Around dinner time he would make dinner for everyone,so we ate what he made. It always consisted of healthy foods, I remember eating tuna at least four times a week. Since my dad ate that way it grew on our family. Till this day I have the same eating habit as he did, being healthy is always important to me. With other families it might be different, when you see an obese father usually his whole family is fat. This is because we eat what our parents out on our plate. That could play an important role in obesity in today's society.

Vocabulary 2


obesity- the condition of being grossly fat or overweight

Accumulate-gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

mass-In physics, mass is a property of a physical system or body, giving rise to the phenomena of the body's resistance to being accelerated by a force and the strength of its mutual gravitational attraction with other bodies. 

disease-A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.

diet- a speical course of food where one restricts themselves for weight loss or medical reasons.

the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.

stigma- viable sign or characteristic of a disease.

prevent(able)- to keep from happening.

adolescent-a young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult.

cardiovascular-The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport

excessive-more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.

mechanism-a system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery.

sedentary-(of a person) tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.

predispose-make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.

syndrome-a syndrome is the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (observed by someone other than the patient), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together


James ate so much fast food he later was being treated for Obesity. 

I told him if he saved his change it would accumulate into lots if dollars one day

My biceps are full of mass.

My friends laugh was so annoying it became a disease. 

In order to make your muscle look more hard and cut, you must have a diet in order.

The nutritional facs on a big Carl is prevalent to the consumer.

To prevent myself from getting in trouble I check the mail.

In my adolescence I had to learn right from wrong. And not steal from the grocery store.

Tosh wanted to become more cardiovascular, so he quit smoking cigarettes.

I excessively told her if she doesn't stop eating the deep fried butter from the fair, she would eventually have a stroke.

Einstein helped develop a mechanism that destroyed two countries.

My friends always complain about why there fat, so I told them if they didn't spend the day being sedentary they could actually get some results.

People predispose the food they eat that's  the reason for there obesity.

My friend is so lazy the doctor diagnosed him with laniessness-syndrome. And told my friend he had one year to live.