Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Essay idea
Today in class we discussed essay ideas on obesity. Their was a several good ones thrown out there, but, in my opinion the one I chose is best. Now our whole life we are taught what our parents know is best. They always know how to fix your scraped knee or your sadness,but parents could be a source to obesity. When I was growing up my dad was a bodybuilder. So he had a strict diet up to 6 meals a day. Around dinner time he would make dinner for everyone,so we ate what he made. It always consisted of healthy foods, I remember eating tuna at least four times a week. Since my dad ate that way it grew on our family. Till this day I have the same eating habit as he did, being healthy is always important to me. With other families it might be different, when you see an obese father usually his whole family is fat. This is because we eat what our parents out on our plate. That could play an important role in obesity in today's society.
Vocabulary 2
obesity- the condition of being grossly fat or overweight
Accumulate-gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.
mass-In physics, mass is a property of a physical system or body, giving rise to the phenomena of the body's resistance to being accelerated by a force and the strength of its mutual gravitational attraction with other bodies.
disease-A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs.
diet- a speical course of food where one restricts themselves for weight loss or medical reasons.
the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.
stigma- viable sign or characteristic of a disease.
prevent(able)- to keep from happening.
adolescent-a young person in the process of developing from a child into an adult.
cardiovascular-The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport
excessive-more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.
mechanism-a system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery.
sedentary-(of a person) tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.
predispose-make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.
syndrome-a syndrome is the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (observed by someone other than the patient), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together
James ate so much fast food he later was being treated for Obesity.
I told him if he saved his change it would accumulate into lots if dollars one day
My biceps are full of mass.
My friends laugh was so annoying it became a disease.
In order to make your muscle look more hard and cut, you must have a diet in order.
The nutritional facs on a big Carl is prevalent to the consumer.
To prevent myself from getting in trouble I check the mail.
In my adolescence I had to learn right from wrong. And not steal from the grocery store.
Tosh wanted to become more cardiovascular, so he quit smoking cigarettes.
I excessively told her if she doesn't stop eating the deep fried butter from the fair, she would eventually have a stroke.
Einstein helped develop a mechanism that destroyed two countries.
My friends always complain about why there fat, so I told them if they didn't spend the day being sedentary they could actually get some results.
People predispose the food they eat that's the reason for there obesity.
My friend is so lazy the doctor diagnosed him with laniessness-syndrome. And told my friend he had one year to live.
Friday, August 23, 2013
expository- intended to explain or describe something.
composition- the nature of something's ingredients or constitutes the way which a whole or mixture is made up.
assuage- make and unpleasant feeling less intense.
decadence- moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.
hackneyed- lacking significance through having been over used.
coalition- an alliance for combined action.
transcend- be or go beyond the range or limits.
meritorious- Deserving rewards or praise.
lurid- very vivid in color.
petulant- childishly sulky or bad tempered.
My teacher told me today that my essay on elephants was expository.
The girl had great composition in yoga class.
My dog assuged, the moment he peed on my backpack, by being cute.
Old people often criticize teenagers for the decadence in today's society.
His jokes were hackneyed.
We became a coalition to stop drinking and driving.
Through the year my body has transcend, because of hard work and determination.
Private Ryan's actions were meritorious in killing 194 nazis, later given Medal of Honor.
My dream felt real it was so lurid.
When people order sandwiches at subway they are very petulant about the olives.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Obesity is a disease, and millions are affected. over 300,000 die every year from this disease. In the article below. It describes how obestiy affects teenagers, and how teenagers are more obligated to eat fast food. In my opinion this article has a good point. The food Americans consume on a day to day basis isn't really food, there food like products. Most Americans know its not good for you, but most Americans or in this case teenagers, are always on the go and have to consume food quickly in order to function throughout there busy day. Even myself i know how hard it is to make your food before school and have to heat it up at school and such. It's hard that's why most kids are becoming obease everyday. These decsions will affect you down the road. During the summer when we have all the time in the world, it is mostly spent on a couch playing Xbox live with your friends. Lets face it though most teenagers won't spend time cooking a meal. They're use to there parents doing it for them. So they will turn to the McDonalds down the street. It's the consumers freedom to do what they want with there body. You have every right in the world to eat where you want. It's also the consumers responsibility to know what they are consuming. Teenagers mostly don't care about that, it taste good. It doesnt make you feel good, it's just so cheap and delicious that it's hard not to. In my opinion fast food doesn't make you obease. It's the indulgence of it that causes you to become obease. Just like everything else it doesn't happen over night. If you abuse anything there's side affects in this case you abuse how much fast food you consume. Each one of these meals has enough calories and fat for a whole day.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Reflections on week one.
There won't be really any factors that will affect my participation in the class. I work at subway and I get a lot of hours so I'm pretty busy but I work at night so I will have time after school to do homework.
An awesome learning expirence for me was two years ago when I was a sophomore. I was messing up pretty bad ditching class and making the wrong decsions. I fell into the wrong crowd and such and got in big trouble. It really opened my eyes and I realized I had to grow up. And doing that kind of stuff wasn't cool it was making me a loser. From there I focused on school and got my grades up and continued to my junior year.
I'm mostly excited about this blog thing dr. Preston has set up. I'm not really used to it but its pretty cool how he's really into our thoughts and how he's always wanting to help. I'm looking forward to learning new things and being able to learn to talk around a crowd of people. Throughout the years I have only done a few assigments that were oral, but since we talk about it as a class is new and pretty interesting.
An awesome learning expirence for me was two years ago when I was a sophomore. I was messing up pretty bad ditching class and making the wrong decsions. I fell into the wrong crowd and such and got in big trouble. It really opened my eyes and I realized I had to grow up. And doing that kind of stuff wasn't cool it was making me a loser. From there I focused on school and got my grades up and continued to my junior year.
I'm mostly excited about this blog thing dr. Preston has set up. I'm not really used to it but its pretty cool how he's really into our thoughts and how he's always wanting to help. I'm looking forward to learning new things and being able to learn to talk around a crowd of people. Throughout the years I have only done a few assigments that were oral, but since we talk about it as a class is new and pretty interesting.
Monday, August 19, 2013
There are many places to get sources for non-fiction, but in my opinion the first place of all places is the library. Usually they will have sections of books organized by category. Another place is online a website called goodreads.com. They have the top non-fiction books currently out. You can also ask your English teacher, I'm sure he/she will have great recommendations for books. The peers around you can also be a good source. You could also download an app called audible that let's you choose what kind of book you would like and it will narrate the story to you.
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